
franchise orchard presenting an opportunity to join the success of…
a fantastic Franchise Orchard opportunity awaits you.

The company was found in 1997 in Russia as manufacturer of clothes for children ages 0-14 years old, since 2007 the company worked in cooperation with Luxembourg fashion agency and has registered by Madrid agreement the trade mark «Choupette», translated from French, «Choupette» means «Little baby» or in specific translation it means «Sweet baby found in cabbage»
Today the company’s design office works in cooperation with New York fashion designer and has 22 factories which produce children clothes, children shoes and beddings, company has 6 its own stores in Moscow and 98 franchisees retail stores in Worldwide, also company has centralized internet shop. All production is manufactured according to Russian standards and norms which are most rigorous in the world regarding children clothes.
The franchising program was started in 2011 and now company has 98 franchise stores, the most part of them are in Russia, but also franchisee are in Ukraine, USA and Switzerland, also there are Master franchisee in Armenia and Kazakhstan.
Could this be your next franchise?
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