
franchise orchard presenting an opportunity to join the success of…
A fantastic Franchise Orchard opportunity awaits you.

What does Caterquip UK do?
We are the UK’s only specialist provider of quality used and reconditioned catering equipment. We also supply brand new catering equipment, and a wide range of specialist maintenance services and complementary catering and cleaning products.
Caterquip UK – products and services
One of the keys to our success is our ability to offer a wide range of complementary products and services. With a Caterquip UK regional franchise, you’ll be able to develop a loyal customer base in your chosen territory and provide all the following products and services:
Reconditioned catering equipment (purchase, refurbishment and sales)
New catering equipment Extraction equipment Catering sundries
Detergent and other cleaning chemicals
Catering equipment servicing and maintenance contracts
Caterquip UK – customer base
Also key to our success is the wide range and high volume of potential customers who need our products and services. With a Caterquip UK regional franchise, you’ll be able to build yourself a successful and highly profitable business, even if you only scratch the surface in your chosen territory, because the list of potential customers is
endless, including:
Fast food outlets • pubs • restaurants • leisure centres • contract caterers • hotels • schools • colleges • hospitals • prisons • clubs • village halls • nursing homes • night clubs • casinos • production kitchens • home caterers • farm shops • wedding venues • conference centres • coffee shops • cafes • …and many more.
Caterquip UK – regional franchise territories
Caterquip’s regional franchise territories have been specially created to ensure that each one has its fair share of big towns and cities packed with business potential. A typical territory includes more than 3,500 potential clients, all within a realistic geographical area.
What’s different about a regional franchise from Caterquip UK?
A niche area of business, with a special secret sauce
It’s not just recession-proof; it actually works best in tricky economic times It’s a wide range of multiple products and services that customers really need, with repeat purchases
It’s totally flexible, with a variety of ways to make your business successful
It’s absolutely your business – you won’t feel like just another sales rep for a national chain
It’s fully supported, with a comprehensive initial training programme, and regular ongoing help and assistance
Oh, and you also get the added benefit of your very own business mentor – Dominic Ricciardi, Founder and MD of Caterquip UK
Looking for a great NEW franchise opportunity?
If you’re looking for a normal ‘man with a van’ franchise opportunity, look away now…
…but if you’d like a ready-made blueprint from which to shape, build, develop and grow your own successful business in double-quick time, then read on!
Building any successful business takes time… lots of it! It takes time…
…to spot that magic gap in the market
…to research exactly what customers want
…to devise and develop your product or service
…to refine it, and get it just right
…to set up your premises and define your processes
…to create your brand, and let customers know all about it
…And that’s all before you can serve your first customer, make your first sale and earn your first £’s!

Could this be your next franchise?
For further information and contact details about this Franchise Opportunity, please fill in the form below to download a free information pack. Fields marked * are required.