Midland Cleaning Services

franchise orchard presenting an opportunity to join the success of…
Midland Cleaning Services
a fantastic Franchise Orchard opportunity awaits you.

MCS has been involved in all areas of the commercial and industrial cleaning market for over 13 years. We have been involved with large and small, prestigious and not such glamorous service contracts alike.
We started off our first business 13+ years ago, wearing all the different hats that we had to for different tasks and roles, from sales business development through to rolling up our sleeves and doing the jobs and providing the services that we had contracted to deliver.
We firmly believe that our future lies with the quality and performance of our franchisees and as a team we need to work together in order to grow the business and ensure that the current client base is serviced to the high standards that are expected of us. At all times strive to work to specification for each contract ensuring that the client’s needs are not only met but met on time and to the standards we strive to adhere to.
Our focus on our high standards has helped us to grow and expand, such that we now see our natural way to expand to be to franchise out our business and ways of doing things; share our methodology and help you to establish and develop a cleaning business of your own avoiding all the pitfalls and issues that we have had to learn and fix ourselves.
If you like a challenge, have plenty of drive, ambition and energy, and you can follow our techniques to work effectively as part of a fantastic franchise team then we want to hear from you.
Could this be your next franchise?
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