
franchise orchard presenting an opportunity to join the success of…
a fantastic Franchise Orchard opportunity awaits you.

Fresh Look EXteriors was founded around 6 years ago. Both myself and my business partner Martin had our own Family Building Company and we were asked by a client to spray paint her UPCV windows.
At this time there were no companies in the local area providing such a service, so we enrolled on a spraying course and absolutely fell in love with spraying. It’s such an instant revival and the precision and faultless finish was immense. Obviously at this time we had our building company to take care of, so FLEX was a side arm of our building business. Over the first 3 years we had plenty of interest and improved many exteriors. It was not without its pitfalls at first as we learnt the difference in paint from different manufacturers was huge and we couldn’t find a paint we could actually 100% back as the best. This was until 3 years ago. There was a massive improvement in paint and adhesives, and we managed to use a paint we had helped the manufacturer engineer. It is a unique paint and we have exclusivity within our field. We approve of it that highly that is why we give our 10-year guarantee backed by the manufacturer themselves. Since using it over the past 2 years we have never returned to a job and we have had ZERO claims on the 10-year guarantee.
We have committed our last 3 years to proving the business model and raising our online profile and FLEX as a brand. We are now so much more than just UPCV spraying. We are an Eco-friendly business that carries out:
Upvc spraying
Kitchen and furniture spraying
Render spraying
Roof coatings
We are fully committed to our business and look forward to working with our new franchisees.
Could this be your next franchise?
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